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Unit 3A Discussion

Unit 3A Discussion

Q A.3.4.6 Discussion - Supply and Demand - Group D 5 From ECON-102-OMH-CRN55774 Demand In 1958, Wham-O, Inc. began marketing the Hula Hoop in the United States. Sales of the Hula Hoops skyrocketed during the year, in the first months over 25 million were sold, within the year over 100 million. In 1994, the film The Hudsucker Proxy portrays a fictionalized account of the demand for Hula Hoops as they were introduced into the market. Watch this clip from The Hudsucker Proxy and discuss how the supply and demand for Hula Hoops interacted with prices. Initially, the store keepers were dropping the prices (A movement along the demand curve) Since no one wanted the Hula Hoops at lower prices, what might this indicate about the Demand Schedule? What function (determinant) cause the change in Demand? How did the change in Demand change the price of the item? Predict what will happen to the market for Hula Hoops in the near future. Comment on the Market Supply and the what the Wham-O company should do. Discussion Question Requirements: Each student is required to post a 150 word response to the question. The student then must post at least a 50 word response to at lease ONE other student post. Post-=4 points. Comment = 2 Points Submit Original Post by the Due Date. Comments are open for four (4) days after the Due Date or until the Available Until Date

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The market for Hula Hoop is equilibrium, and the demand curve and supply curve for Hula Hoop intersect and define the P price level and q quantity of Hula hoop Reasons that influence the demand for hula hoops 1. Hula hoop price Lower demand for hula hoops due to higher prices. Hula hoops are in greater demand when they are less expensive. 2. When the price of linked commodities is reduced, substitutes like the Hula Hoop are more in demand, shifting the demand curve to the right. Complements: Hula hoops are less popular due to higher supplement prices, and the demand curve shifts backward. 3. Revenue Demand for hula hoops would rise as income rises, shifting the demand curve to the right, and decline as income rises, shifting the demand curve to the left. Factors impacting Hula Hoop supply